Srinagar to banihal section of NH 1A from km 187 to km 189.350, km 270.700 to km 286.110 and 187 to 220.700 on DBFOT (Annuity) in the State of Jammu and Kashmir
Four laning of Qazigund to Banihal Section of NH 1A from km 189.350 to km 204.700 including 2 tunnels of 0.69 km and km 8.45 length on BOT (Annuity) basis in the State of Jammu and Kashmir
Rehabilitation , strengthening and Four laning of Ramban to Banihal section of NH 1A from km 151 to km 187 on BOT (Annuity) basis on DBFO pattern in the state of Jammu and Kashmir
Rehabilitation, strengthening and Four laning of Udhampur to Ramban section of NH 1A from km 67 to km 89 & km 130 to km 151 in the state of JUammu and Kashmir
Four laning of Chenani to Nashri section of NH 1A from km 89 to km 130 including 9 km long tunnel with parallel escape tunnel on BOT (Annuity) basis of Jammu & Kashmir
Rehabilitation strengthening and 4 laning of Jammu-Udhampur section of NH 1A from Km 15 to km 67 on BOT (Annuity) basis on DBFO pattern in the State of Jammu & Kashmir