
public private partnership in india

Projects recommended by the Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee (PPPAC)

Projects recommended by the Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee (PPPAC)

This Report provides information on all infrastructure projects in the database across pre-defined set of parameters and following coverage criteria:
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Sr No. Project Name Sponsoring Authority Location Sector Sub Sector Total Project Cost (In Rs. Crore) PPPAC Meeting Date Meeting Number Recommended For
1 Development of Container Terminal at Tuna-Tekra, Deendayal Port on BOT basis under PPP mode Deendayal Port Authority Gujarat Transport and Logistics Ports 4,539.00 09.06.2022 109th PPPAC In-principle approval
2 Development of Multipurpose Cargo Berth Off Tuna Tekra (Outside Kandla Creek) at Gulf of Kutch at Kandla on BOT basis under PPP mode Deendayal Port Authority Gujarat Transport and Logistics Ports 2,250.00 09.06.2022 109th PPPAC Final approval